There are no forms to fill out to take care of your own family. You just do it if that is your choice to do.A power of attorney allows an elderly adult to choose one or more people to make certain financial or legal decisions for them. They must be filed in the form and manner described in Article 81 of the Mental Hygiene Law. Sample forms are available in the Guardianship Office, Room 285. Organizing financial documents and medical records can help you understand your loved ones eligibility for public health insurance or VA benefits. A judge can appoint an Article 81 guardian to help a person manage their personal needs or property or both. Powers of attorney allow your parent to name you or someone they trust to make financial and medical decisions when they cannot. Main Takeaways: If you have a parent who you think is in need of guardianship, you'll need to obtain a physician's certificate or doctor's letter. On this form, you will be the agent or attorney-in-fact.