ERISA law ensures plan members receive a summary description of benefits, have appeal rights, and can file a suit for unpaid claims. This issue brief surveys state legislation influencing health care costs over the past three years and assesses the threat that ERISA preemption poses.The Council was established under section 512 of ERISA to advise the Secretary of Labor on matters related to welfare and pension benefit plans. Benefits are provided exclusively through in-network doctors unless care is available only from out of network providers. This booklet constitutes a small entity compliance guide for purposes of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996. If You Have Health Insurance Coverage Subject To NY Law – (your health insurance ID card says "fully insured"). See the Definitions Section for a complete description of In-Network and Out-of-Network. SelfFunded ERISA Health Plans and New Jersey's "Surprise" OutofNetwork Medical Bill Law: Are You In or Out? It's Time to Decide. These providers are typically referred to as "non-participating" or "out-of-network" providers.