US citizens and residents are required to report their worldwide income to the IRS, including any UK pension income. This page displays the text of the U.S.-U.K. Social Security Agreement and related Administrative Arrangement. 2029 Century Park East, Suite 1350 Los Angeles CA 90067 USA. You can claim State Pension abroad if you've paid enough UK National Insurance contributions to qualify. LACERA is a public retirement plan duly created and operating under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, set forth at California Government Code. As the UK has a social security agreement with the US, your state pension will continue to increase annually, as it would if you were in the UK. Is your net worth (houses, pensions, and 401ks) worth more than £325K? The following table outlines the documents you will be asked to submit through the Retirement Application Portal (RAP) in order to retire. Let's keep your finances simple.