If you need assistance establishing your business' retirement plan in AZ, the Mesa small business lawyers at JacksonWhite can walk you through the process. We offer small business retirement plans for small business owners and their employees.Information on retirement plans for small businesses and the selfemployed. Choose a Plan, Maintain a Plan, Find or Fix Plan Errors, Plan Benefits. SEP plans (also known as SEP-IRAs) are Simplified Employee Pension plans. Chase offers a wide variety of business checking accounts for small, mid-sized and large businesses. Eligible employers must either provide retirement benefits on their own or enroll their employees in the state program. • Within three years of retirement, ASRS members can register to attend the Route 3: Destination in Sight group meeting or online. Choose a Plan Provider: Select a provider that offers various investment choices, administrative services, and employee education. Helping small businesses navigate requirements for occupancy and fire safety, as well as other permits and licenses.