You may be eligible if you were married to your spouse for at least ten years before a final divorce. 1, 2023, the outdated laws creating unnecessary barriers to obtaining a divorce in Maryland are no more.A Qualified Domestic Relations Order is a court order that divides the benefits of a retirement plan between two former spouses. We encourage parties to submit a Draft Domestic. Relations Order (DRO) for review before submitting the DRO to the court for signature. Skilled Maryland Attorney Assists Divorcing Clients with Retirement Orders. Columbia family lawyer delivers knowledgeable counsel on pension division. 1. Complete a complaint form. Deadlines to respond to a divorce complaint: • If your spouse was served in Maryland: 30 days after service of process. Or, if you want to be cool around the family law community, the acronym, you would pronounce it QDRO, QDRO or QDRO.