The Summary Plan Description (SPD) should include your plan's claims procedures. Usually, you fill out the required paperwork and submit it to the plan.The Beneficiary Selection Form - Option D allows a member to select an eligible beneficiary to receive an allow- ance if the member dies before retirement. Generally, an ERISA plan participant can select just about anyone to be their beneficiary. ○ The spouse must be the beneficiary of the participant's full benefit unless the spouse has consented to the alternative beneficiary. This GRIST provides a basic primer on ERISA's preemption of state laws, including various exceptions, exclusions and court rulings. Not all ERISA reporting and disclosure requirements are reflected in this guide. For example, the guide does not focus on disclosures. This plan allows eligible employees to: Set aside money towards their retirement. ERISA contains various provisions intended to protect the rights of plan participants and beneficiaries in employee benefit plans.