The expanded interactive checklist below will help members of the North Carolina Retirement Systems know how to approach the retirement process. These supplemental retirement savings accounts are designed to help public employees in North Carolina achieve their retirement goals.TSERS is as a defined benefit plan and the benefit you receive at retirement is based on a formula. Mecklenburg County mails an informational packet to retirees and dependents becoming eligible for Medicare 2-3 months prior to their 65th date of birth. Learn to manage and optimize your 401(k), balance retirement savings with other financial needs, and set up pensions and insurance. Step One: Sign up for Retirement Online, our self-service tool that offers an easy and secure way to review your benefits and conduct transactions in real time. Learn about estates, how to file an estate, and the administrative process. North Carolina is considered a moderately tax friendly state for retirees. Through tailored and timely financial and investment advice, our goal is to help clients succeed financially and work toward their life goals.