You must complete and submit a Retiree Insurance Application to the Benefits Administration Unit to continue your coverage into retirement. Miami-Dade County provides retirement benefits for eligible employees through the Florida Retirement System (FRS).The Department of Elder Affairs administers programs and services for elders across the state of Florida through 11 Area Agencies on Aging. It is recommended that you submit your retirement applications to the Retirement Office three to six months prior to your retirement date. To enroll in a Medicare Supplemental Plan offered by. UnitedHealthcare, please contact them directly at 1-800-. If you do not wish to enroll and would prefer to decline the benefit, select "Waive". 2. Select your eligible members that you would like to enroll in the plan. Retirement benefits are payable on the last state business day of each month. Mission Statement: To promote the well-being, safety, and independence of Florida's seniors, their families, and caregivers. Vision:.