Miami-Dade County provides retirement benefits for eligible employees through the Florida Retirement System (FRS). It is recommended that you submit your retirement applications to the Retirement Office three to six months prior to your retirement date.The information provided in this guide is based on the Florida. Retirement System (FRS) Pension Plan laws and rules in existence as of July 2024. The FRS Pension Plan is a defined benefit plan, in which you are guaranteed a benefit at retirement if you meet certain criteria. To enroll in Miami-Dade County's 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, please download an enrollment kit and fill out the enrollment form. A member must return to the employment of an FRS employer, in a covered position, immediately upon termination of the leave. Retirement benefits are payable on the last state business day of each month. Assists prospective retirees in completing and submitting retirement applications and counsels them regarding the provisions and rules of their Retirement Plan. After completing nine (9) years of service, the participant shall be entitled to the entire amount credited to his account upon his separation from the County;.