Retirement and pension benefits include most income that is reported on Form 1099-R for federal tax purposes. You can also use the Retirement or DROP Application (R0732H) form to apply; however, the preferred method is to apply in miAccount.To enroll, visit the State of Michigan 401(k) and 457 Plan . Apply for your monthly retirement benefit any time between age 62 and 70. You will be directed to your Account Detail – Summary, where the Tax Elections section is located and click "Edit State Tax". Complete and return the forms to ORS with all required documents listed in the packet. The Basic Retirement Plan offers immediate vesting and a two-for-one university match. Retirees insured through Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan's State Health Plan can get benefits information, find contacts, newsletters, and forms here. Pension Plan and into this instead. LERP is a designated church plan and a tax-qualified plan.