Members of the Middlesex County Retirement System shall be credited with one year of service for each year of employment of not less than 20 hours per week. Upon your retirement, you will be required to complete a W–4P Form to begin a monthly federal tax withholding.Public employees who are members of a Massachusetts public retirement system can qualify for a retirement benefit once they meet certain requirements. We operate a flexible retirement policy for members of the LGPS and TPS scheme, i.e. ERISA is a federal law that sets minimum standards for retirement plans in private industry. You may retire early with a reduced retirement benefit after you reach age 50 and complete 15 years of creditable service as an officer. Did you or your spouse (or prior spouse) work in the railroad industry for 5 years or more? (a) Do you (or your spouse) have Social Security credits. You are invited to attend the 'Fact Becomes Fiction' event on October 2 at am in the Bedford Cafe East. We are the final court of appeal in the UK for civil cases, and for criminal cases from England, Wales and Northern Ireland.