If an employer decides to provide benefits that are subject to ERISA, those benefits must be described in a written plan document. Not always identical, requirements in the Code and ERISA governing the same conduct or minimum standards.Learn about the ERISA Audit and benefit plan audit services offered to Minneapolis and Minnesota 401k plan sponsors - Minneapolis ERISA Audit. Learn about the ERISA DOL and retirement plan audit services offered to businesses in Minneapolis St. Paul and across Minnesota - Minneapolis (MN) Under Department of Labor regulations, your retirement plan must maintain an ERISA Fidelity Bond. Learn about the 401k and benefit plan audit services offered to organizations in Minneapolis and Minnesota - Minneapolis 401k Audit. It requires the plan's sponsors to provide plan information to participants. It establishes standards of conduct for the plan's managers and other fiduciaries. One particular law that is meant to ensure retirement funds are protected is ERISA. An administrator or sponsor of an employee benefit plan subject to ERISA must file information about each plan every year.