All 403(b) plans are subject to Title I of ERISA unless an exemption applies. For guidance on what may cause a 403(b) plan to be subject to ERISA, please consult the Department of Labor's rules.Keep in mind: You will need to complete the required form found at Minnesota State to tell your employer how much money you want taken out of each paycheck. Contributions to a traditional IRA may be tax deductible in the contribution year, with current income tax due at withdrawal. For a legal consultation with a pension plan and erisa litigation lawyer serving Minneapolis, call 612-349-2729. On May 19, 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed into law House File No. 782, establishing the Minnesota Secure Choice retirement program. This section contains a general overview of Section 403(b) and Section 457 plans as authorized in federal law. Only employees who satisfy the eligibility requirements and other criteria contained in the Plan are eligible for a benefit. Most employersponsored retirement plans are subject to ERISA requirements. Enrollment in the Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan (MNDCP) is fast and easy.