On May 19, 2023, Governor Walz signed into law a bill establishing the Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program. Minnesota's New Mandatory Retirement Benefits Program Will Open in 2025.If you are a member of an American Indian tribe living and working on the reservation of which you are an enrolled member, you may qualify for a subtraction. If there is a loss of wage claim pending, unemployment benefits may be paid if you are seeking some type of available work and able to do that work. How can I find out if I am able to retire and what my pension benefits are? On May 19, 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed into law House File No. 782, establishing the Minnesota Secure Choice retirement program. Learn more about MetLife employee benefits and financial solutions. Labour laws in the country do not specify a retirement age. Complete Form W-4MN so your employer can withhold the correct Minnesota income tax from your pay. Qualified employee retirement plans.