The earliest you can get your State Pension is when you reach your State Pension age. If you retire early, or stop work due to redundancy, ill-health or other reasons, your State Pension and other pensions you're entitled to may be affected.How to plan early retirement in the UK? Compare your early retirement options and its impact on pensions. Short Answer: Yes, you can retire at 55. When it comes to the idea of early retirement, 55 is the age that most people have in their head. Since 2012, UK staff have been automatically enrolled in workplace pensions. This stepbystep guide to retiring early sets out the main things you'll need to think about and some recommended ways to address them. If you need to give up work due to ill health, you may be able to access your pension pot early, regardless of your age. There is no legal retirement age, and employers can no longer force their employees to retire at a particular age.