You will need to get a retirement visa, which is simple but still requires regular checkins with immigration. There are four steps to acquiring a visa to retire in Thailand.First off, you can invest into Thai tax saving structures like the Provident Fund, Government Pension Fund, or Retirement Mutual Fund, up to the allowed limits. According to Thai laws, what conditions need to be satisfied for retirement? Is it necessary for the employer to pay any compensation in the case of retirement? The Thai retirement visa for US citizens is issued to retirees or applicants who wish to visit and retire in the Kingdom of Thailand. There is no mandatory retirement age under Thai law and it is up to the employer to specify a retirement age. This publication shall give an overview of the labour law in the Kingdom of Thailand. The Thai retirement visa for US citizens is issued to retirees or applicants who wish to visit and retire in the Kingdom of Thailand. This publication shall give an overview of the labour law in the Kingdom of Thailand.