The British High Commission in Nassau maintains and develops relations between the UK and The Bahamas. Find out more on our UK and The Bahamas news page.Whether you're a member, retiree or participating employer, Retirement Online gives you a convenient and secure way to do business with the Retirement System. There is no legal retirement age, and employers can no longer force their employees to retire at a particular age. Looking for a Retirement Visa lawyer in Nassau? See the detailed profiles from our curated list of the top lawyers and law firms located in Nassau. An Act to establish a system of national insurance providing pecuniary payments in respect of sickness, invalidity, maternity, retirement, death, industrial. For a pension under the Law of The Bahamas if it had been wholly service in The. Bahamas, he may on retirement be granted in respect of his service in The. The retirement age in the Bahamas is 65, although seniors can claim a reduced benefit from the age of 60.