For the full retirement benefit, you must be 62 years old at retirement or, if you have 30 years of credited service, you may retire as early as age 55. Our field offices generally offer the full range of Social Security services, including applying for new or replacement Social Security cards.Do you know what it takes to work towards a secure retirement? Use this calculator to help you create your retirement plan. If you meet the eligibility requirements to retire and delay collecting your State pension, you may continue your NYSHIP coverage under retiree provisions. New York Consolidated Laws, Retirement and Social Security Law - RSS § 385. Retirement of members in the Nassau county police department. Learn about the filing rules for married couples regarding retirement and spouses benefits that will help you decide when to claim your benefits. The Retirement and Social Security Law regulates post-retirement employment for all members of the New York State and Local Employees'. In January of each year, if you are collecting Social Security Benefits, the SSA will send you Form SSA-1099.