We have decades of experience drafting QDROs. Find general information about 401(k) plans, the tax advantages of sponsoring the plan and the types of plans available.ERISA does not require any employer to establish a retirement plan. It only requires that those who establish plans must meet certain minimum standards. Learn about the ERISA Audit and benefit plan audit services offered to Las Vegas and Nevada 401k plan sponsors - JLK Rosenberger - Nevada ERISA Audit. Self-directed 401k falls under federal code (ERISA) and 401k anti-alienation protection. 401k retirement assets are shielded from creditors in Nevada. For a plan to qualify, your employer must set it up for you. Below, we'll take a look at a few ERISA-qualified plans. 401(k)s. Under Department of Labor regulations, your retirement plan must maintain an ERISA Fidelity Bond.