You will need to complete, sign, and return the Verification Code Request Form before creating your online account. You will need to submit a Retiree Benefit and Enrollment Change Form (RBECF) along with a Years of Service (YOS) Certification Form to the PEBP office.Check eligibility if you're not sure what to apply for. Up to six months before your intended retirement date, you will need to complete and return an Application for retirement benefits. Who can Apply for Social Security Retirement Benefits Online in Nevada? To apply for Medicare online, visit the Social Security Administration website, agree to the terms of service and fill out the application. Learn more about retiring in Nevada, including the tax benefits, cost of living, and the top retirement spots. The state of Nevada pays a state supplement to all SSI recipients who are elderly or blind. Learn more about retiring in Nevada, including the tax benefits, cost of living, and the top retirement spots. You can use this form if you are age 65 or older at the end of 2024.