Defined benefit pension plans, including your NYSLRS plan, are calculated based on a preset formula and provide a specified payment amount at retirement. JLK Rosenberger provides employee benefit plan audits to over 50 plans, including ERISA section 103(a)(3)(c) and full scope 401(k) plans.The VDC Program requires eligible members to make employee contributions based on a percentage of salary through regular payroll deductions. Defined benefit plans provide a fixed, pre-established benefit for employees at retirement. 1 Once you have selected your retirement plan, you will be required to download and complete an enrollment application, and submit it to your Benefits office. In the decades since, further changes to funding rules and significant increases in PBGC premiums have accelerated the decline in DB pension plan coverage. Retirement systems in the State of New York. New DB plans are now seldom created, and most of those established earlier have been termi-.