The NYSDCP offers traditional pre-tax and Roth 457(b) accounts. The fastest way to file is through your Retirement Online account.Setting Up a 401(k) Plan. The Plan offers both traditional pre-tax and Roth 457(b) accounts to provide you with retirement savings choices. If an employer doesn't offer a qualified retirement program, they'll need to enroll employees in New York State's Secure Choice Savings Plan. As of October 2021, New York state became the latest state to require private sector employers to provide their employees with a retirement savings plan. In just a few steps, you can estimate your pension benefit based on up-to-date account information, then save and print the estimate for your records. The following plans may qualify for the state mandate. As you take the step to enroll, also consider consolidating your other retirement savings in the low-cost New York City. Employee IRA (the NYCE IRA).