A timeline guiding NYSLRS members through the retirement process and highlighting important topics and information to consider. By reading this booklet, you are taking the first step.Here you'll find essential information to help you understand your options as you plan for retirement. Retirement Online gives NYSLRS members, retirees and beneficiaries an easy and secure way to review their benefits and do business with NYSLRS in real time. Apply for your monthly retirement benefit any time between age 62 and 70. The New York State Deferred Compensation Plan is a 457(b) retirement plan created for New York State employees, and employees of participating agencies. Workplace plans, individual retirement accounts and selfemployed retirement accounts are just some of the ways you can save. A SIMPLE IRA may be an easy and low-cost way to set up a retirement program. Maximize contributions for you and up to 100 employees. Participating in a voluntary savings plan is a great way to build your retirement savings and allows for retirement savings on a pre- and post-tax basis.