An employee becomes vested in the retirement system after 5 years of service. â–« Employees in Tier One and Tier Two are eligible to retire as early as age 50.In general, you can retire as early as age 50 with five years of service credit unless all service was earned on or after January 1, 2013. Don't Submit Your Application Earlier Than 90 Days Before Your Retirement Date! FERP Participation: The retiree is eligible to participate in the Faculty Early Retirement. Program (FERP) pursuant to a collective. Fulltime and permanent parttime employees of the City of Oakland get retirement benefits from the Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS). Most current UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) members are in the 1976 Tier and are eligible to receive a pension at age 50 with five years of UCRP service credit. The earliest age you can access retirement benefits is 62. Full retirement age is age 62 (63 for Tier 6).