ERISA is a set of federal laws that set the standard for health retirement plans. When denied, seek an Oakland ERISA Attorney right away.At Roberts Disability Law, P.C., our lawyers have extensive experience handling all types of ERISA covered retirement plan claims. Offering a retirement plan to your Oakland, CA employees offers a variety of benefits, including tax reductions and a great way to attract and retain talent. To speak with a lawyer about your case, call 510-244-3307 or fill out our email form. Compare the best ERISA lawyers near Oakland, CA today. Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified ERISA attorneys. You can schedule a meeting with a member of our advisor team, fill out our online form, or call us at 877-930-401(k) to get started. This plan allows eligible employees to: Set aside money towards their retirement. City of Oakland: 457 and 401(a) Retirement Plans.