Our ERISA attorneys at the Peace Law Firm describe some issues involving ERISA plans and beneficiaries. Contact us for help today.The Summary Plan Description (SPD) should include your plan's claims procedures. Usually, you fill out the required paperwork and submit it to the plan. If the spouse has NOT waived her rights under this plan, then she is the beneficiary REGARDLESS of what a beneficiary designation says. It is the participant's responsibility to keep information on beneficiaries, including addresses, up to date. Kaiser Permanente Employees Pension Plan has moved for summary judgment against defendant and counterplaintiff Dianne Bertozzi. Unlike a 401(k) retirement plan, you may not make contributions or have your wages "reduced" to defer payment of taxes under the Annuity Plan. The 2012 ERISA Advisory Council studied current challenges and best practices concerning beneficiary designations in retirement and life insurance plans. Our experienced Oakland ERISA lawyers can help you navigate the complicated ERISA claim process.