If you don't pass any swimming tests within 4 years the you will be debbared from the service. An officer whose request to retire is granted may, before he is retired, apply to the Central Government for withdrawal of his request.In Army, majority of officers who seek premature retirement are in the rank of Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel. PreMature Retirement or discharge on own request. Even if any soldier seeks a retirement before the completion of 20 years, it will be known as Premature retirement. Discharged from service as he took premature retirement under Army Rule 13 (3) iii (iv) on 28.02. 2022 after completing more than 17 years of service. What is not commonly remembered is that thirteen alumni served in the Union army and navy-and two others, loyal to the Union, died in Confederate hands. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was an English writer and philologist. He was the author of the high fantasy works The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.