The National Pension System (NPS) was launched on 1st January, 2004 with the objective of providing retirement income to all the citizens. Retirement benefits in the case of Central Government servants apply mutatis mutandis to members of All India Services.In India, the retirement age for private sector employees is between 58 to 60 years. For government employees, it is 60 years. (a), a Government servant shall give a notice in writing to the appointing authority at least three months before the date on which he wishes to retire; and. Members of TRF include teachers in a public school corporation. The Government has decided to enhance the age of retirement for below board level employees of Central Public Sector Enterprises in the manner mentioned below:-. While India's public sector employees receive 15 days of paternity leave, no federal or state laws mandate this benefit in the private sector. As regards Finland, to the laws and regulations concerning old-age, disability and survivors' pensions under the Earnings-related Pension. G). The term "benefit" means any cash benefit including pension provided for in the legislation specified in Article 2 of this. Agreement;.