Please fill out the form below and our attorneys will review your potential case. With extensive expertise in ERISA disability claims, denials, and appeals, Stewart Lee Karlin Law Group, PC is here to assist.Fill out the form and we'll be in touch with you shortly, or call us now at 954-989-9000. This page breaks down exactly what ERISA covers and provides helpful information about filing disputes in case you should ever need it. Fort Lauderdale ERISA claims lawyer Martin J. Sperry can help you explore all of your legal options when an insurer acts in bad faith. Under ERISA, a benefit plan administrator must give you a copy of your benefit plan within 30 days of you delivering a written request for the document. ERISA still applies to your employer's plan whether you or the employer pays the premiums for the insurance coverage. , long-term disability insurance). However, ERISA does not preempt state insurance law. The result is a dual regulatory framework.