France's statutory retirement age varies according to your date of birth. It is 62 for those born between 1955 and August 31st, 1961.The standard retirement age in France is currently set at 64 years old, with a requirement that the retiree has worked at least 43 years. Employees born in 1955 or later can retire at the age of 62. For preceding generations, this age differs according to the year of birth. Any person living in the United States must make his or her request for French retirement benefits at a local US Social Security office. In order to qualify for retirement benefits, an employee must be vested. Under the Totalization Agreement between the United States and France, you are indeed allowed to apply for Social Security benefits in both countries. The information provided in this guide is based on the Florida. Retirement System (FRS) Pension Plan laws and rules in existence as of July 2024.