Dynamic name search: Find 5500s even if the plan sponsor's name changed. Use the links on the right of this page to learn more about how to search for unclaimed retirement benefits and steps to take before contacting PBGC.Nominate Your Beneficiaries. To establish or update your beneficiary, please complete and submit a beneficiary nomination form. Search PBGC's two databases of retirement plans in the Missing Participants Program. The commission shall conduct audits of appointments and changes in employment in the classified service to ensure strict compliance with 51 Pa.CS Pt. V. Former employees can perform a secure database search to determine if they may be entitled to any unpaid retirement account money. As an "employer," a group or association, as well as a PEO, can sponsor a defined contribution retirement plan for its members. The 5500 was filled out incorrectly, which delayed its acceptance. What to do if search comes up empty.