The City of Philadelphia guarantees its obligation to pay retirement benefits. Early retirement is a reduced retirement benefit available to members who do not meet the normal retirement requirements.Once you are vested in the system, you can retire prior to your SERS normal retirement age; however, your pension payment will be reduced for early retirement. Be age 62 or older on your date of termination and retired with at least 15 years of credited service. You are eligible to receive retiree benefits if you meet the "Rule of 75". Am I retiring or resigning? You can also retire early if you are at least age 55 when you leave and your age, plus your Years of Service, total 75 or more. We will assume that you retire in the year 2005 at age 60 with 20 years of service. 11. Retiree Benefits: FAQ - All Retirees - General. Please explain the statement: "You are eligible to receive retiree health benefits if you meet the Rule of 75."