Beneficiary forms are located on the Benefits website and can be updated at any time. This. System provides you, the career City employee, with a monthly retirement income for life in addition to Social.The Summary Plan Description (SPD) should include your plan's claims procedures. Usually, you fill out the required paperwork and submit it to the plan. Fill out a TransitChek form to authorize Payroll to deduct from your paycheck. PSERS serves the retirement needs of public school employees of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Fill out a TransitChek form to authorize Payroll to deduct from your paycheck. What should you do if you discover that a fiduciary of your retirement plan has mismanaged or stolen plan assets? The Board of Pensions and Retirement manages the assets of the City's pension fund, ensuring there is enough money to pay out to those who have earned benefits. System actuary - California State Teachers' Retirement System,.