The OA longstay retirement visa allows you to retire in Thailand for one year with multiple entries to the kingdom. The Thai retirement visa for US citizens is issued to retirees or applicants who wish to visit and retire in the Kingdom of Thailand.In its most basic interpretation, Act 205 required the City to formulate a pension plan which would be less expensive to administer than its other plans. Reemployed members are not required to repay any retirement benefits that were received. Notes. 54. This report presents the' actuarial valuation of the costs and liabilities for the City of. Persons 50 years of age and older may apply for the Thailand Retirement visa. This makes your stay in Thailand hassle-free. Vinson that workplace harassment can constitute unlawful discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It may take up to four weeks after the IRS receives an update for a tax return preparer's information to be added or revised in the directory. If the death occurred in the city limits of New Philadelphia, please contact the New Philadelphia City Health Department.