Before actually filing for retirement, make sure you have estimated your benefits and educated yourself on all the retirement options. Members can retire with a lifetime benefit as early as age 50 once they have acquired 5 years of service credits.Three Choices in Retirement: 1. Continue current Maricopa County benefits plans through COBRA. 2. This handbook is designed to help you make important decisions and complete the steps for retiring from the University of Arizona. Agency Payroll Functions. 1. Ensure proper retirement (ASRS) and long-term disability (LTD) deductions are active for eligible employees. PSPRS administers retirement benefits in the Defined Benefit Plan (DB Plan), wherein retirement benefit payments are determined. Individuals may withhold Arizona income tax be withheld on their payments from a pension, annuity, or a distribution from a retirement account. All newly hired State employees are subject to and must successfully complete the Electronic Employment Eligibility Verification Program (E-Verify).