This booklet helps you understand your plan and explains what information you should review periodically and where to go for help with questions. Whether you teach in a public or private school, you'll also typically have access to a defined contribution retirement plan, such as a 403(b) or 457(b).Find out when and in what form you can receive your benefits at retirement. Fill out the necessary forms to update information with your retirement plan. A Teacher Retirement System is a state-level organization that administers retirement savings plans for workers in public schools and colleges. Eligible Rollover Distribution paid directly from the Plan to an Eligible Retirement Plan in a Direct. The balance in the account changes based on the amount of the deposits and stock market performance. 2. Pension plans, sometimes called "defined benefit" plans. As a governmental plan, Titles I and IV of ERISA do not apply. Approximately 38 million privatesector employees in the United States do not have access to a retirement plan through their employers.