If you apply online, a list of documents we need to see will appear at the end of the application, along with instructions on where to submit them. The fastest way to file is through your Retirement Online account.Apply for your monthly retirement benefit any time between age 62 and 70. The Social Security Retirement benefit is a monthly check that replaces part of your income when you reduce your hours or stop working altogether. For the full retirement benefit, you must be 62 years old at retirement or, if you have 30 years of credited service, you may retire as early as age 55. Learn about the filing rules for married couples regarding retirement and spouses benefits that will help you decide when to claim your benefits. New York is a fairly accommodating state when it comes to taxes levied on retirees. As in most states, Social Security benefits are not taxed. You can get Social Security retirement or survivors benefits and work at the same time. But, if you're younger than full retirement age, and earn more.