First, consider your desired retirement lifestyle and project how much that lifestyle will cost, then you can compare the lifestyle or the cost with your. This publication provides instructions for completing the CalPERS.The County of Riverside offers a voluntary Deferred Compensation Plan to assist employees in meeting their financial goals in retirement. The IRS provides the following additional resources for taxexempt organizations interested in establishing retirement plans for employees. CalPERS invites you to attend a live Webinar where you will receive step-by-step instructions on filling out the service retirement application. We find clients value our initial explanation of the retirement plan market as well as our unbiased insights as an independent advisory firm. Labor pool, PRN and temporary employees are only eligible for EAP and Retirement benefits. District Fiscal Services provides payroll and retirement processing services to LEAs in Riverside County. (Out of pocket cost for prescription drugs apply to Tier. You will need to fill out LES paperwork with the County.