Notice: Please read rules 8.208 and 8.488 before completing this form. Use our Retirement Planning Checklist to help prepare for retirement and find the documents needed to submit a complete application package.CalSavers is California's retirement savings program for workers who do not have a way to save for retirement at work. This document provides information and answers questions about the division of retirement benefits upon divorce or legal separation of an active member. Maintains safe businesses and neighborhoods through City Code. CalPERS is an agency in the California executive branch that manages pension and health benefits for more than 1.5 million California public employees. Providing retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits to eligible participants since 1941. You may need to fill out a new Direct Deposit sign-up form. Do not close your old account until payments have started coming to your new account. The County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL) is a body of law enacted to govern retirement benefits for certain public employees.