Criteria for acceptance of requests from. Minimum service of 20 years, after which an officer can request for pre-mature pension.It is unlikely that a Lt Cdr (Maj) who has completed 20 years will ask to retire before he does 21 years. Under the compelling circumstances, the applicant submitted a letter dated 20 Nov 2006 to his Commanding Officer for premature retirement. H.B. 67 Title 71a - Veterans and Military Affairs. It is clarified that premature retirement of Government servants under these rules is not a penalty. Booklet will also be available at the website of the Central Pension Accounting Office from where it may be viewed and downloaded. For eligible members, the Active Guard Reserve Retirement process can begin as early as 24 months from the retirement date. Army Retirement Planning Toolkit. In the course of the last thirty one years based on our experience, interaction with Reserve.