The Senior Information and Assistance Program provides information and assistance to help a senior citizen solve problems he or she may have. Use this page to find local, state, and federal resources, including senior centers, Medicare assistance programs, and volunteer opportunities.If your elderly parents are subsisting on a low income, they may be eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits through CalFresh. The Department of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) is a San Bernardino agency dedicated to helping seniors and at risk individuals. This program helps people who are older than 64 years old. Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County offers the Individual Development Accounts (IDAs). The Healthy Homes for Seniors Grant is designed to provide financing for home improvements to low-income homeowners. Medi-Cal, the Medicaid program in California, provides health coverage to people of any age who meet certain income eligibility requirements. Older residents of San Bernardino often need help to enjoy their senior years. For many, living on their own is no longer viable.