Generally, an ERISA plan participant can select just about anyone to be their beneficiary. It's in an ERISA account owner's best interest to have specific beneficiaries designated in retirement accounts.This will facilitate the transfer of assets. Yes. You must contact Retirement office (619) 515-6800 and Deferred Comp at (619) 531-5840 for their beneficiary designation forms. For example, Federal, state, or local government plans and some church plans are not covered. Beneficiary designations in life insurance plans determine who receives plan benefits following the death of a plan participant. The full name of the Plan is University of San Diego Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. (ERISA) that governs Qualified Domestic Relations. Missing Participants Program PBGC has a program called the Missing Participants Program, which connects people to their retirement benefit. Some retirement plans require specific beneficiaries under the terms of the plan (such as a spouse or child).