You must submit your application prior to your last day on City payroll with a retirement date being the day after your date of separation. This publication provides instructions for completing the CalPERS.The normal retirement age is the age at which you can retire without a reduction for retiring early . The City of San José is pleased to offer CalPERS "Classic" Members the opportunity to convert their current Tier 2 service into Tier 1 for pension benefits. Retirement for service Conditions. 3.24. The law requires all members who retired after January 1, 2013, to wait six months (180 days) before returning to work in a CalPERS covered agency. FERP is an entitlement program, as long as the relevant procedures are followed and courses appropriate for the faculty member to teach are scheduled. Generally, CalPERS members are eligible to retire at age 50 or 52, depending on date of membership in CalPERS, with a minimum service credit of five years. The City of San José is an equal opportunity employer. You can begin receiving reduced retirement benefits once you have reached age 60 and have at least 10 years of participating service.