Following is a list of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in The Office of Retirement Services, throughout this document referred as the Department. Your retirement allowance is terminated until you re-retire in the future .If it has been more than nine months since you left employment, the date you enter cannot be earlier than the first day of the month you submit this form. The Office of Employee Relations is responsible for maintaining and updating the City Policy Manual (CPM), which is the City's Administrative Policy Manual. The law requires all members who retired after January 1, 2013, to wait six months (180 days) before returning to work in a CalPERS covered agency. If you work while receiving early retirement benefits, Social Security is likely to reduce your benefits, depending on how much you earn when you retire. An agency must request VERA and receive approval from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) before the agency may offer early retirement to its employees. Complete document submittal requirements are described in A Guide to. CalPERS Employment After Retirement. Bay Area bottoms out Two big Bay Area cities San Jose and San Francisco are at the bottom of our list.