Apply for Retirement, Calculate a Retirement Estimate, Report a Death, Change my Tax Withholding, Update my Beneficiary, Enroll in Medicare. The Voluntary 457 Deferred Compensation plan provides a convenient way for City employees to save money for retirement with pre-tax earnings.This publication provides instructions for completing the CalPERS. CalSavers is available to California workers whose employers don't offer a retirement plan, self-employed individuals, and others who want to save extra. You can find your membership category and retirement formula on your Annual Member. What should be included in a pension plan's statement of investment policies? The SJSU Research Foundation Retirement Plan provides you with the opportunity to save for retirement on a tax advantaged basis. Welcome to Your Benefits Webpage! Administrative retirees enroll in the CalPERS Medical plans. VTA pays up to the Kaiser Bay area single rate for retirees in California.