Open an Account: Set up your Individual 401(k) account with the chosen provider. Yes, you can roll your employee contributions plus interest into an IRA account, 401-k or other qualified tax deferred account.Our fee-only, fiduciary retirement planners in San Jose, CA, offer unbiased, client-first advice. The Voluntary 457 Deferred Compensation plan provides a convenient way for City employees to save money for retirement with pre-tax earnings. CalSavers is available to California workers whose employers don't offer a retirement plan, self-employed individuals, and others who want to save extra. Apply for Retirement, Calculate a Retirement Estimate, Report a Death, Change my Tax Withholding, Update my Beneficiary, Enroll in Medicare. A 401(k) Plan allows employees to contribute a portion of their own incomes toward their retirement. Splitting retirement accounts and pensions in a divorce can be complicated. (800) 982-1775 and ask how premium deductions continue into retirement. This is only if the San Jose State University Research Foundation retirement plan accepts rollovers.