Each form packet has an instruction sheet and a sample packet to guide you page-by-page through the forms. The APS program and hotline receives and responds to reports of elder and dependent adult abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation.Help fill out forms programs and help in Santa Clara, ca. Search 91 social services programs to assist you. First printing 1987; updated and reprinted 1993, 2000, 2008 and 2018. I need to know where to get the forms I need to fill out to file? We respond to reports of abuse or neglect of adults who are aged 60 or older and dependent adults with physical or mental limitations between ages 18 and 59. There are no fill in the blank forms to do this and it can get expensive. Have an adult friend or family member (who we will call 'the server') mail a copy of the general denial together with an unsigned copy of the Proof of Service. These local forms are provided free of charge for downloading.