Any benefits you built up before 1 April 2014 have a NPA of 65. The pension scheme we offer to our employees is the Local Government Pension Scheme (also referred to as the LGPS).You can keep working after you reach State Pension age. 'Default retirement age' (a forced retirement age of 65) no longer exists. There is no legal retirement age, and employers can no longer force their employees to retire at a particular age. Find out about the different pension schemes including local government, teachers', firefighters' and NHS pension schemes. It outlines the retirement and pensions options available to employees depending on individual circumstances. All access to our Retirement Living schemes is through Gateway to Homechoice - an online application that you, or someone on your behalf can complete. Individuals should contact the LGPS. Take a look at our recommended information sites and resources to help you with your finances, pensions, housing, employment and more.