Social Security benefits not included in your FAGI are considered income, except where a locality has opted to exclude them from income. These programs are designed for senior citizens to help meet the social, recreational, and cultural needs of those over the age of 60 in Suffolk County.For the full retirement benefit, you must be 62 years old at retirement or, if you have 30 years of credited service, you may retire as early as age 55. The 2024-2025 Regular HEAP benefit opens on November 1, 2025. Suffolk County's congregate of nutrition programs provide seniors with a nutritious mid-day meal and an opportunity for socialization and recreation. Retirement savings plan. You have to keep the emotion out of it and help your future self. Making retirement savings last for Suffolk seniors requires careful planning, budgeting, and wise financial decisions. The needs of Suffolk county seniors are diverse and complex, ranging from housing to healthcare to basic companionship. The MSRB administers the Massachusetts State Employees' Retirement System (MSERS) for state employees and certain other employees of public entities.