Consider a solo 401(k) if you have healthy selfemployment income and want to contribute substantial amounts to a retirement nest egg. And you can add to your IRA even if you're contributing to a retirement plan at work, such as a 401(k) or a 403(b), or a Keogh plan if you're self-employed.Explore retirement plan options for the selfemployed, including the solo 401(k), SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, and cash balance plan. Explore four retirement savings options for the self-employed and discover how to secure your financial future with these tailored plans and expert advice. Tarrant County offers an optional tax-deferred retirement savings program called Deferred Compensation (457(b) plan). Explore options for retirement plans, life events, manage your retirement savings during a life event, plan administration, maintain retirement plans. A SEP IRA is a retirement plan, similar to a traditional IRA, designed for both the self-employed and business owners of any size. We're going to lay out your retirement plan options and tax benefits on this episode. Benefitseligible employees also participate in a mandatory retirement plan and have access to a voluntary retirement savings program as well. Name (person getting money from self-employment): — Enter name of the household member with self-employment income.